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Ventilator ASTRAL 150 ResMed

Ventilator ASTRAL 150 ResMed

Price: €7,85357
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Ventilator ASTRAL 150 ResMed
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Product price: €7,853.57
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  • http://adapt.bg/product/2548/aparat-za-neinvazivna-i-invazivna-ventilatsia-resmed-astral-150-pod-naem.html
  • Noise
    43 db
  • Weight
    3 kg
  • Warranty
    2 kg
  • Greater freedom

With Astral you can feel confident you’re receiving ventilation that suits your respiratory needs, giving you the freedom to live life more fully. Astral has a small, sleek, sturdy design, enabling you to be ventilated as well in the home as you would be in hospital.



  • Confident care

When it comes to life support ventilation, everyone’s needs are different. IntelligentAir is a collection of ResMed technologies that delivers individually-responsive ventilation to suit you, with: intelligent Volume-Assured Pressure Support (iVAPS) mode to target your alveolar ventilation; an intelligent Backup Rate (iBR) to provide backup breaths when needed; and AutoEPAP to maintain an open upper airway.




  • Key features


Lightweight. Weighing just 3.2 kg, Astral makes it easy to be mobile.


Mains or battery powered. An internal battery gives you up to 8 hours of ventilation. You can add 1 or 2 optional external batteries for up to 24 hours of uninterrupted freedom.* Astral can be powered and used from a DC outlet, and meets FAA requirements for all phases of air travel.


Optional mobility bags. A choice of 2 mobility bags can protect Astral when you’re on the move: the Astral mobility bag, which has room for all of Astral’s essential accessories, and the lighter but smaller SlimFit mobility bag, with a pouch for the power supply or external battery. The bags’ transparent panels mean you can access the touchscreen easily. Broad, wide straps enable you to carry them comfortably over your shoulder or mount them on a wheelchair.



Easy to use. Astral’s menu is straightforward and intuitive. It has a large colour LCD display. The display gives your clinicians and carers essential information about your condition.


Pre-settable and saved programs. Because your breathing needs may change throughout the day, Astral can save multiple programs and settings. At the press of a button, you can switch to the pre-set program most suitable for you at the time.


Alarms. Features fixed and adjustable alarms, including an advanced disconnection alarm for added reassurance. 
The optional remote alarm II can keep you connected to your carers when you’re alone.


Easy start and stop. A big-button feature on the main display allows you to start or stop the ventilator, or mute the alarm, simply by touching the screen.


Versatile.  Can be used with a mask, mouthpiece or tracheostomy.  Astral is used for both adults and children, with a range of breathing disorders including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and neuromuscular disease.



Technical details


Single circuit with leak YES
Single circuit with valve YES
Double circuit YES
Therapy modes
Therapy circuit with valve CPAP, ACV, PACV, P-SIMV, V-SIMV, PS
Therapy circuit with leak CPAP, ST, PAC
Manual breath YES
Sigh breath YES
Apnea ventilation Volume and Pressure
Presettable programs 4
Operating pressure range
Delivered pressure (cmH2O) (leak) 2 to 50
Delivered pressure (cmH2O) (valve) 0 to 50
Operating tidal volume range (cmH2O) (adults) 100 to 2500 ml
Operating tidal volume range (cmH2O) (pediatric) 50 to 300 ml
Respiratory rate (adults) Off, 2 to 50 bpm
Respiratory rate (pediatric) Off, 5 to 80 bpm
SpO2 monitoring Option
FiO2 monitorin YES
7 days high resolution data 25 Hz flow and pressure Display and Download
365 days of statistical data per program Display and Download
ALARMS Wide range adjustable alarms, incl FiO2 and SpO2
Weight 3.2 kg
Dimensions (L х W х H) 285 mm x 215 mm x 93 mm
Internal Batterie (Lithium-Ion) 14.4 V, 6.6 Ah, 95 Wh.; 8 hours operating time
Noise level (power) 43 ± 3 dBA
Noise level (pressure) 35 ± 3 dBA