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Stand up device ALBATROS

Stand up device ALBATROS

Price: €1,93783
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Stand up device ALBATROS
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Product price: €1,937.83
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Предоставената таблица е с информационна цел. Добавете продукта в количката си с бутона "Добави в количката" и при поръчка ще можете да изберете броя вноски на кредита.
Предоставената таблица е с информационна цел. Добавете продукта в количката си с бутона "Добави в количката" и при поръчка ще можете да изберете броя вноски на кредита.

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Albatros is a device for tilting. Raises the patient from a sitting position to upright position.

Upright posture is a natural attitude of a man, where man's internal organs are working efficiently. The device is also used to transfer people from wheelchair or bed to the toilet in an upright position. Albatros supports medical staff in everyday situations.

  • Feet platform equipped with anti-slip inserts and the proper support to the knee with a belt safety calf perfectly stabilizes the leg.
  • The whole system of control and drive technology-based LINAK .
  • Construction allows quick and easy folding for transport without using any tools.
  • Models equipped with locking wheels .
  • Driving frame is movable and allows continuous adjustment of the spacing for maximum stability.
  • Sling type vast made of gray polyester .
  • A two-piece control system: controller and battery separately. This allows to obtain in an extra battery and external charger. Such a system enhances the security of continuity, particularly advantageous feature in units of the type of collective healthcare hospitals .
  • When using a battery that was discharged does not need to wait until it is fully charged again only in exchange for a second and during that time the flat is subjected to loading.





  • PHASE I - Slings is suspended on the forks, which lift the user from sitting position to standing position.
  • PHASE I - Continued.
  • PHASE II - After standing up, user is stabilized with chest strap and sling is used to stabilize the hips.




  • Weight: 45 kg
  • Max user weight: 150 kg
  • Motor weight: 2.9 kg
  • Overall height: 174 cm
  • Foot rest lenght: 104 cm
  • Distance between footrest: 58-94 cm
  • Folded height: 48 cm