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Wrist support AM-OSN-U-10


Price: €4039
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Wrist support AM-OSN-U-10
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Product price: €40.39
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Предоставената таблица е с информационна цел. Добавете продукта в количката си с бутона "Добави в количката" и при поръчка ще можете да изберете броя вноски на кредита.
Предоставената таблица е с информационна цел. Добавете продукта в количката си с бутона "Добави в количката" и при поръчка ще можете да изберете броя вноски на кредита.
Предоставената таблица е с информационна цел. Добавете продукта в количката си с бутона "Добави в количката" и при поръчка ще можете да изберете броя вноски на кредита.

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  • Отложено до 30 дни от момента на изпращане на поръчката без оскъпяване. За покупки на стойност до 400 лв.
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Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) Injury in Golf



The triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) is a cartilage structure located on the small finger side of the wrist that, cushions and supports the small carpal bones in the wrist. The TFCC keeps the forearm bones (radius and ulna) stable when the hand grasps or the forearm rotates. It makes it possible for the wrist to move in six different directions (bending, straightening, twisting, side-to-side). The triangular fibrocartilage complex consists of:

  • The triangular fibrocartilage disc.
  • Ulna meniscus.
  • Ulnar collateral ligament.
  • Several carpal ligaments.
  • Extensor carpi ulnaris tendon sheath

The triangular fibrocartilage complex stabilizes the wrist at the distal radioulnar joint. It also acts as a focal point for force transmitted across the wrist to the ulnar side. Traumatic injury or a fall onto an outstretched hand is the most common mechanism of injury. The hand is usually in a pronated or palm down position. Tearing or rupture of the TFCC occurs when there is enough force through the ulnar side of the hyperextended wrist to overcome the tensile strength of this structure.
High-demand athletes such as tennis players or gymnasts (including children and teens) are at greatest risk for TFCC injuries. TFCC injuries in children and adolescents occur more often after an ulnar styloid fracture that doesn’t heal.



An injury or tear to the TFCC can cause chronic wrist pain along the ulnar side is the main symptom. The pain is made worse by any activity or position that requires forearm rotation and movement in the ulnar direction. This includes simple activities like turning a doorknob or key in the door, using a can opener or lifting a heavy pan. Other symptoms include swelling, clicking, snapping, or crackling and weakness. Some patients can suffer from wrist instability.
TFCC injury is more common with lower energy, repetitive torque injuries such as from golf or bowling. TFCC tears are often sustained when a person falls and lands on the hand, bending the wrist backwards. A lot of people think the golf has minimum risk of contusion but, in fact, it’s sport with specific injuries difficult to treat. This is the reason we can say ‘prevention is better than cure’.
Word ‘prehabilitation’ is connected with rehabilitation process but based on prevention against the injury. It’s time-saving, cheaper and healthier to avoid the injury than treatment after contusion.
„Prehabilitation to avoid the rehabilitation”
Our wrist brace PREHAB-TFCC (AM-OSN-U-10) is the best example of prevention in orthopaedic medicine. Athletes, placed at TFCC injury, should train with our brace what reduces the risk of injury to minimum.



Product description

The wrist brace is made of anatomic-shaped material UniPren.



UniPren is universal 3-layered fabric made of external elastic polyamide self-gripping layer and internal neoprene foam with elastic jersey. Our fabric is soft and elastic and not knitted, what prevents skin against the skin abrasions in the compression zones. The braces made of UniPren provide the best stabilization in market. Self-gripping function of UniPren allows to fit the brace precisely. Waterproof material.
The compression reduce the effusions and swelling. It’s great solution in sport exercises.
Dorsal part of the brace is equipped with aluminium orthopaedic splint that prevents against the bending the wrist backwards what’s high-risk motion.
Additionally, firm metal buckle and non-elastic circular strap fastening with Velcro stabilize the wrist during play. Our wrist brace can be used also after casting.
Our brace PREHAB-TFCC is universal size and for right and left wrist.






Purpose of use

  •     Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) Injury
  •     wrist inflammation



Available sizes