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3.0 Litre Oxygen Tank with Reducer and Humidifier

Oxygen bottle with a capacity of 3 litres.
Price: €17896
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3.0 Litre Oxygen Tank with Reducer and Humidifier
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Product price: €178.96
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The bottle is for sale complete with a  reducer valve, humidifier and nasal cannula. Each ADAPT oxygen bottle is filled with compressed medical oxygen and is ready for use.


Oxygen tank - usage


Oxygen tanks are mainly (usually) used in hospitals or ambulances, but they can also be used at home for patients who need supplementary oxygen for (with) the following conditions:


  • Treatment for pulmonary fibrosis;
  • Hearth failure;
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and others.


Oxygen tanks are often used as a backup device by people using oxygen concentrators.


Note: Oxygen concentrators are a much more effective and reliable option than oxygen tanks and  are the preferred choice for oxygen therapy due to their reliability and the unlimited oxygen supply they can provide.


Reduction valve


The reduction valve (or reductor) decreases the pressure of the oxygen gas inside the oxygen tank to a low, steady and constant pressure of 4 bars and is used to provide oxygen with a flow from 0 to 15 liters per minute (l/min) to the patient

The reductor has a connection thread G3/4 and needs to be mounted from the user's side to the oxygen tank's valve using a AA32 wrench. You should always check for any gas leaks between the oxygen tank's valve and the reductor before usage. The rubber seals tend to wear off with time and there might be some gas leakages. You can replace them with the additional set provided with the standard package.




The humidifier needs to be connected firmly to the oxygen tank to ensure there is no leakages of gas. The cannula hose must be tightly inserted into the humidifier. To ensure proper therapy the cannula must be inserted in the patient nostrils. 

Use distilled water and fill the humidifier to the marked lines.


Using the regulator valve


Before using the regulator you need to open the valve above the oxygen tank, then you can set the amount of provided oxygen using the regulator and watching the flowmeter values from 0 do 15 liters per minute. Always follow your physician's prescription regarding the flow rate and therapy hours per day !

After you finish using the tank, make sure you close the valve so that the flowmeter shows a value of "0".


Storage and safety 


Protect the oxygen by preventing exposure to flames, dirt, oil and dust. Transport it carefully  and use it with caution. Don't use it under any circumstances if there are leakages in the system !

Store you oxygen tank in a clean, dry place under recommended temperatures from -10 to 40 degrees. Clean it by using a wet towel.



Technican information for the reductor valve

Name of device

Reductor Valve for Oxygen Tanks

Used gas

Medical Oxygen (O2)


Council Directive 93/42/EEC

Applied standard

EN ISO 10524-1

Connection thread (female)


G3/4” DIN 477

Exit (Female)

M10 x 1 DIN 13

Entrance pressure

230 bar

Exit pressure

4 bar

Flowmeter scale

0-315 bar (KL 2.5)

Exit flow

0-15 l./min.


850 gr.


160 x 90 x 290 mm

Working temperature

Between -200С and +600С