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Tumble Forms Tadpole Pediatric Positioner

Tumble Forms Tadpole Pediatric Positioner

Price: €90551
List Price: €1,293.59
Discount: €388.08 (30.00%)
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Tumble Forms Tadpole Pediatric Positioner
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Product price: €905.51
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Designed specifically for early intervention programs. Infants from birth to age three with cerebral palsy, motor delays or other motor dysfunctions benefit from this multi-use unit as an essential part of an effective therapy program. Ideal for clinic or home-based use. The latex-free Tadpole positioner includes a carrying bag to conveniently store all modules: 34" x 19" (86 x 48cm) Base, Half Roll, Wedge, and Tray with Mirror for creative positioning.
  • Prone: With the half roll and two lateral supports, the Tadpole positioner facilitates active body extension, head flexion, chest elevation and forward propping of arms for midline hand touching. Mirrored unit encourages child’s curiosity. Place the log roll under the base for vestibular activities.
  •  Seated: Use base and wedge modules together for long leg or log rollsitting. Either side of wedge may be used depending on desired degree of upright or reclined position. Attached tray provides additional support and a surface for eye-hand activities.
  • Side-lying: Attach log roll to base for side-lying to facilitate control of lateral head and trunk movements. Prop base to position the child for improved respiration. No color choice.