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Forearm support AM-OSN-L-01


Price: €6903
List Price: €74.14
Discount: €5.11 (6.90%)
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Forearm support AM-OSN-L-01
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Product price: €69.03
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Product description

Long open forearm and wrist support was developed according to anatomical shape providing stabilization on the wrist and radiocarpal joint.
Wrap around design of brace allows easy-fitting and offers whole range of adjustment.
LOCK 3-POINTS Circumferential Compression allowing adequate support and unloading of radiocarpal joints. The orthosis is provided with anatomically shaped, malleable and removable metal Strip for Palm and Forearm (sweat resistant coating) and 2 Dorsal plastic stays.
Dorsal Band on Fingers provides support on phalangeal area. The product is supplied with soft fingers separator, which prevents to fingers overlapping, anti-spasticity, relieves pain fingers and keeps them in correct position.
Per customer request, the standard separator may be substituted for neurological separator which stabilizes each finger separately. Extra price.
The orthosis is made of innovative AirSanmed non-elastic textile, which properties allowing an improvement in stabilization level of the joints. The orthosis is covered with perforated medical laminate allowing easy evaporation of the sweat, semi-rigid perforated comfort foam located inside and a breathable cotton terry cloth in contact with the skin of the patient.
The palmar part of orthosis and forearm is equipped with anatomical shaped, malleable and removable strip with sweat resistant powder coating applied.
The brace is additionally provided with Soft Elastic Pad in Distal Palmar area, which makes the product more comfortable.
The fitting on the wrist is obtained by three sets of velcro straps, which ends of closure are provided with Plastic Covers, specially developed for patients with limited dexterity, such as osteoarthritis and wrist instability.




In addition, for this brace you can purchase special neuro-rheumathological fingers separator. It provides proper position of fingers and maintains optimal abduction of the proximal phalanxes in case of neurological or rheumatological disorders. When the spasticity occurs, the separator prevents the fingers against the excessive “squeezing”. In case of Swan-Neck Deformity in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), the device construction with special fastening, correct the fingers from ulnar to neutral position. Maintaining of the optimal neutral hand position allows to stop the process of neurological or degeneration diseases.







  • Radiocarpal joint dislocation
  • Tendonitis and Tendon strains, Tenosynovitis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Overuse injuries
  • Post-traumatic and postoperative (orthopaedic or rheumatoid)
  • Central or Peripheral neurological injuries
  • Pathologies requiring immobilization of wrist



Available Sizes




Setting up




System for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – CTSyndrome



Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common entrapment neuropathy encountered in clinical practice. It is caused by compression of the median nerve as it passed through the carpal canal at the wrist. The most common causes of compression of the median nerve at this location include flexor tenosynovitis, rheumatoid arthritis, pregnancy, amyloidosis and poor wrist position.



Carpal tunnel syndrome presents as pain, numbness, paresthesias, and associated weakness in the hand and wrist that radiate to the thumb, index finger, middle finger and ring finger.



The best treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome is using wrist splint brace.
However, many patients aren’t aware that ordinary simple wrist splint worsens their carpal tunnel syndrome! Directly compression by splint exacerbates problem and pain. Furthermore, patient without entrapment neuropathy, using the wrist brace due to bones fracture, can suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome after many weeks of immobilization and wrist compression.
Because of that, using the special wrist splint brace, reducing the carpal canal pressure is essential.
REH4MAT introduced to mostly wrist braces innovative solution CTSyndrome. This is special pad on wrist splint which protects carpal canal against the excessive compression. Due to that fact, electrical impulses in median nerve go freely.