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Shoulder brace - straight holder AM-PES-03

Straight-holder- clavicular belt is made of non-stretching tapes and back pelotte. The back pelotte is reinforced with PELD plate therefore provides better stabilization in the area between shoulder blades. The connecting belts fit well patient's body. Such design of the product guarantees very good correction of the posture disorders in case of adults as well as children. 

Price: €2301
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Shoulder brace - straight holder AM-PES-03
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Product price: €23.01
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Предоставената таблица е с информационна цел. Добавете продукта в количката си с бутона "Добави в количката" и при поръчка ще можете да изберете броя вноски на кредита.
Предоставената таблица е с информационна цел. Добавете продукта в количката си с бутона "Добави в количката" и при поръчка ще можете да изберете броя вноски на кредита.
Предоставената таблица е с информационна цел. Добавете продукта в количката си с бутона "Добави в количката" и при поръчка ще можете да изберете броя вноски на кредита.

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  • Отложено до 30 дни от момента на изпращане на поръчката без оскъпяване. За покупки на стойност до 400 лв.
  • Плащане на 4 вноски. Заплащате 20% от стойността на поръчката си на момента с карта. Останалата сума се разделя на 3 равни месечни вноски без оскъпяване. За покупки на стойност до 1000 лв.
  • Плащане на 6 вноски. Стойността на поръчката се разпределя в 6 равни месечни вноски с оскъпяване. За покупки на стойност до 2000 лв.
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Straight-holder- clavicular belt is made of non-stretching tapes and back pelotte.

The back pelotte is reinforced with PELD plate therefore provides better stabilization in the area between shoulder blades. The connecting belts fit well patient's body. Such design of the product guarantees very good correction of the posture disorders in case of adults as well as children. The design of the back pelotte guarantees that the clavicular belts do not wrinkle but fully stick to patient's body. Inside part of the belt is covered with terry fabric which makes the use more comfortable.

Available sizes:
Size Chest Circumference
XS 55-65 cm
S 65-75 cm
M 75-90 cm
L 90-100 cm
XL 100-110 cm
XXL 110-120 cm



How to measure





  • Skin-friendly product. 
  • The support is made of light orthopaedic rubber containing mainly cotton which is neutral the skin. 
  • Maintenance of proper hygiene - the suport is very easy to put on and take off, the patient can wash it frequently and maintain proper body hygiene. 



Purpose of use:

  • Shoulder support AM-PES-03:- used in case of children with posture disorders, round back and Pectus excavatum 
  • effective inforcement of correct posture 
  • recommended for adults with discopathy of chest section of the spine 
  • reduces pain 




  • In case of paresis (loss of feeling) of upper limbs the support must be removed. If the problem is repetitive please, contact the doctor, 
  • In case the pain increases during the use of the support please, contact the doctor 
  • In case of skin changes in the place where the support touches the skin (abrasions, injuries, eczema) - use of the support is possible after a dressing is applied - In case of patients with memory disorder and in case of children it is necessary to control the correctness of the use of the support according to the doctor's recommendation.



Setting up:





Information for patients:

  • Incorrect use of the sproduct, not following the instruction of use may lead to serious health complications 
  • Patients using the product without doctor's or therapist recommendation - use the products at own risk. 




  • Hand-wash in room temperature water with soap, RINSE WELL 
  • Do not iron 
  • Do not use chlorine 
  • Dry away from source of heat