Code:U-SS-01 P
Universal ankle joint stabilization U-SS-01
Products which belong to Activ Sport Line group are made of ActivPren. This structural fabric is made of neoprene foam of different thickness with outside layer of polyamide. The neoprene is additionally perforated to assure air flow and maintenance of correct temperature. ActivPren is soft and elastic, easily fits the limb. It contains no thick fibres which could press patient skin and cause an injury in the place of more intensive compression. ActivPren contains microfiber diaphragm. The diaphragm derives sweat from patient’s skin, and than it evaporates through the perforation in the neoprene layer. Such design assures that only minimum of sweat is left on patient’s skin, allowing for usage of our products in extreme conditions e.g. during sport activities.
Universal ankle support is made of a structural material ACTIV PREN, characterized by softness and elasticity, assuring better fit to patient’s body. This is a structural material made of perforated neoprene foam and polyamide outside material. The support is equipped with elastic fastening tapes which improve stabilization of the protected joint.
Stabilizes and warms up the joint, reduces pain and improves effectiveness and quality of walk. Application of elastic pressure during movement of the foot helps in reduction of post-injury swelling. Provides protection in contact sports. Instruction of use is given by the doctor.
Purpose of use:
- after injury of ankle joint and tarsus
- pain of ankle and tarsus caused by injury and overstress (excessive training or hard physical work)
- after surgery treatment of ankle due to injury or inflammation
- after damage to the Achilles tendon
- bursitis of ankle
- post-injury instability of ankle joint
- prevention in sports connected with stress for ankles and Achilles tendon, lower risk of injury
- Too tight application of the support or too small size may cause ischaemia of toes and feet
- In case of coexisting varicose vein, previous inflammation of veins, swelling of legs – use of the brace is possible only on specifically selected varicose veins knee-height socks or stockings with II* pressure
- In case of skin changes in place where the brace touches the skin (abrasions, injuries, skin eczema) it is necessary to contact your doctor. The use of the brace is possible after a dressing is applied.
- The correctness of the use of the brace should be especially controlled in case of children, patients with memory failure and abalienated
- Not following the instruction during use of the support may result in serious complications
- Patients using the support without the recommendation of the doctor or therapist use it on their own risk

- Only properly selected, fitted and used support fulfils its function – incorrect use may cause increase of problems with the joint, skin abrasion, problems with walking, swelling of shin and foot, varicose veins, vein inflammation - instruction regarding use of the support is given by the leading doctor of therapist.
- In case of new skin abrasions or injuries use the support on dressing
- In case of swelling of feet and toes– use of the brace must be limited or impossible
- In case of skin allergic reactions due to the use of the support, please contact a doctor.
- Lack of personal hygiene or wrong maintenance of the product (insufficient washing and rinsing) may lead to skin abrasion, rushes, allergic reactions connected with excessive sweating and development of bacteria.
- Hand wash in 30° warm water with soap
- Do not iron
- Do not use chlorine
- Dry far from the sources of heat