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Acorn 130 Stairlift

Acorn 130 Stairlift

Price: €4,29492
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Acorn 130 Stairlift
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Product price: €4,294.92
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  • Отложено до 30 дни от момента на изпращане на поръчката без оскъпяване. За покупки на стойност до 400 лв.
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The ultimate staircase solution giving you the full use of the home you love.

Blending seamlessly into your home, with a smooth start and stop mechanism, you can glide effortlessly up and down the stairs.
All of Acorn's current stairlifts have been independently tested and certified to comply with the newest European safety standard for stairlifts, BS EN 81-40:2008, as well as the worldwide standard for stairlifts, ISO 9836-2:2000.


  • Fits quickly and easily to the stairs, not the wall
  • Requires no structural changes to your home
  • Stairlifts also available for narrow stairs
  • Affordable and reliable with low running costs
  • Slimline and folds away conveniently when not in use



Key Features:

1. Comfortable padded seat and backrest which is hard-wearing and gives extra support.
2. Simple two direction switch is easy to use.
3. Inertia seatbelt fitted as standard provides security and safety to the user.
4. The stairlift's seat, arms and footrest fold away neatly when not in use.
5. The stairlift seat swivels to allow the user to exit the lift without discomfort.
6. Fits directly to your stairs and plugs into a dedicated UK mains electrical socket, so no structural or electrical changes are needed to be made to your staircase or home.
7. The stairlift can be safely locked and deactivated with a key.
8. Simple digital display shows correct functioning and quickly diagnoses any problems.
9. For added safety, the stairlift has five safety sensors on the footrest and carriage that immediately stop the lift at any obstruction on your staircase.
10. Two remote controls, with large easy to use buttons, come as standard to call the lift upstairs and downstairs.






A Overall height 980 mm
B Height of Seat 440 mm
C Overall depth (from wall) 570 mm
D Overall depth (when folded) 310 mm
E Width of footrest 310 mm
F Overall width 605 mm
G Depth of seat 405 mm





Motor output speed 120mm/s | 4.8inches per second - No greater than 0.15 meters per second
Method of drive Rack and pinion
Power supply 24V DC battery
Maximum capacity 127 kg
Track Extruded aluminium
Mains supply 50-60Hz, 100-240V AC


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